Pineapples are an amazing, yet complex fruit…and also delicious! But, a lot of people struggle with knowing how to core and cut a pineapple, due to its beautiful shell. A lot like some of our other favorite fruits, pineapples are grown on the ground. But they grow anywhere up to 5 feet tall and produce up to 200 flowers. After pollination by mostly hummingbirds, the flowers essentially turn into a bunch of united berries! Another favorite in the hydration department, pineapple contains over 85% water and is also rich in vitamin C. So you can certainly get your nutrients in while you’re snacking on something sweet and delicious.

Since you’ll be cutting all of the skin/rind away from the pineapple, you don’t need to wash it at all. You will need a good sturdy knife (as you’ll see in the video below), it matters, as the core is pretty thick. It’s good to rid of all of the parts that you won’t be eating, so you can store or enjoy the parts that you can and will be. No matter how you decide to cut your pineapple, leftovers will last up to 7 days in an airtight container, in the fridge. If you want to store them for longer, you can freeze them for up to a year! Just be sure to freeze them in a single layer on a baking sheet for about 2 hours before placing them either in an airtight container or a freezer bag.

So, check out the video below and see how you can cut your very own fresh pineapple into sliced rings and chunks for your enjoyment!